

C++ Datatype Access Counter
Hm, would it be possible to create a template, which overloads the default modification-operators of any datatype/class to be able to track the changes made to a variable?
Of course you couldn't track the custom methods of each datatype, but you could follow the changes through the standard methods.

I'm thinking of something like this (rough draft-code):

template class X {
int counter:
T& operator=(T& t){counter++; return T::operator=(t);}
T& operator+=(T& t){counter++; return T::operator+=(t);}
T& operator-=(T& t){counter++; return T::operator-=(t);}
T& operator++(){counter++; return T::operator++();}
T& operator++(T&){counter++; return T::operator++(T);}
T& operator--(){counter++; return T::operator--();}
T& operator--(T&){counter++; return T::operator--(T);}

int getAccessCounter(){return counter}

Note, that I don't need to overload those operators, which return a copy of the object, because they don't modify the original object.

Then you could replace the variable you want to access-count with this template and at the end of your application you just fetch out the counter.

I still have some doubts that something like this works, but I'm not quite sure, why and how this would fail...

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